[Av. 2-4/calle Central-2]. (Square of Tomas Guardia). It`s shaded by exotic trees (among others one Guanacaste) and has an ornate fountain, concrete benches and spider-like kiosko (something like a stage), where on every sunday concerts are held. The donator of that structure was former Nicaragua dictator Anastasio Somoza. A few years back in a referendum, inhabitants of San Jose decided about not pulling down it. Beneath the kiosko there is a Carmen Lyra Children`s Library and has been put since 2004 an ornate flagpole. . At the northern park edge at across the street there is a Melico Salazar Theater, and old famous in Costa Rica Soda Palace (resaturation). In 1842 in one of its corner was shot in execution Francisco Morazan.