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Central Market -[Av.Central-1/calle 6-8]. That was established in 1881. It`s brick hall with short, sheet metal, two-sided roof. The entrances are placed on the its cut corners. There are boxes and stalls dotted with bunches of flowers, vines, roots, spices and herbs. Some of the cheapest meal in town are served there.

Artesania Market -[Av.2/calle 11]. (Mercado de Artesania). A large brown-stucco building on calle 11 and avenida 2. It was one of the first public markets to organize and display quality Costa Rican handicrafts under one roof. It`s the largest stockist of souvenirs and crafts in the country. There one can buy baskets, butterflies, and flowers made from woven fiber or rope.

El Pueblo - the Shopping Center -It is placed in Barrio Tournon (to the north from the town centre), opened on 15 September of 1977. It was designed by Spaniard Francisco Prospero after the example of old colonial spanish town with cobbled streets, wrought-iron lamps and historic low houses with red tiled roofs and balconies full of flowers. There are a lot of bars, restaurances and discotegues. It`s full of people especially in weekend evenings.

Serpentary -[Av.1/calle 9-11]. There are presented different species of reptiles and amphibians, among others snake terciopelo (responsible for the half of snakes bites in Costa Rica), Jesus Christ Basiliscues, Iguanas, Boa constrictors, seas snakes, poisnous dart frogs and being egsotic in Costa Rica cobras and pythones. There is a also a large fish-pool with piranhas.

Spirogyra - the butterfly garden -It`s situated close to the El Pueblo shopping centre. It sticks to the northern edge of Simon Bolivar Zoo. The entrance for that is situated in Barrio Tournon. Its name in latin means "the butterfly". The garden consists of small waterfalls surrounded by orchids and heliconias. It`s covered by net that make it impossible for butterflies to escape. There live blue Morpho butterflies, transparent Espejitos and red, green, yellow and black Heliconius. There are total number of 21 species. Besides there are also colorful humminbirds. On every morning workers pick the butterflies eggs and put them in special boxes devoted for the european collectors.

Zoological Park -It`s situated in Barrio Otoya and is called after Simon Bolivar. It was founded in 1916 and is spreaded on 14 acre surface. Now there are the trials for its renovation. In the majority there are the native species (more than 300 animals and 150 species of plants), but there are also lion and Bengal tiger.

If you have any questions, feel free to write to the owner of the page Rafal C. Piechocinski and visit also the biggest web-page about Costa Rica in Europe at